Choosing love.
Choosing love is choosing me. I aim to move in the isle of myself and not be kept under other's will to hurt. When I come through it, I always arrive to create a paradigm where everything is seen anew. Because love can't be hurting. Love can't be hate, nor cruelty. I choose to make it sound and sensitive in my healing journey.
Today I choose love.
Today I elevate my vision.
Today I arrived at the latest version.
Saying goodbye to fear is the first step towards a version of freedom. I can no longer sustain the weight of distance in other's eyes while they prevail in a type of feeling they are calling love, but really can't be felt in the soul. What the soul feels, the soul heals; other than this, no codependency is needed for real love to happen. I will not be holding into this addiction due to subliminal memories that don't belong to the essence. My roots are planted in this very present moment and I am the creator of a new significance for the word.
When life seems to throw bad experiences my way, I can redirect my vision to change landscapes: views of the highest frequencies are waiting there for me. I want to enjoy my existence choosing love, and beauty, and music in everybody else - especially me. Free, from today on, to replace my consequences and hopes to where they happen to emerge from freedom.
I can be that river that flows where light glistens.
I can choose love above every other reason.
I can become the choice for vibration through me.
I can be the refuge for love in my soul.